Learn More About The Disease
Huntington's Disease (HD) is an inherited disorder resulting in slow and irreversible loss of both mental and physical capacity. There are 30,000 persons in the U.S. currently diagnosed with HD and each of their siblings and children has a 50% chance of developing it. HD is a "family disease", not just because it is inherited from a parent, but also because it profoundly affects the entire family unit emotionally, socially, and financially. HD, like Alzheimers, ALS, MS and Parkinson's, takes a person away from their loved ones and the rest of the world long before they die.
Symptoms of Huntington’s disease are varied, and may begin with psychiatric issues before movement problems.
Psychiatric Disorders
The most common psychiatric disorder associated with Huntington’s is depression. This is not simply a reaction to receiving a diagnosis, but occurs because of injury to the brain and changes in brain function. Symptoms include:
Feelings of sadness or unhappiness
Loss of interest in normal activities and social withdrawal
Insomnia or excessive sleeping
Fatigue, tiredness and loss of energy
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
Indecisiveness and decreased concentration
Frequent thoughts of death, dying or suicide
Changes in appetite
Other common psychiatric problems are obsessive-compulsive disorder, mania and bipolar disorder. Mood or personality changes may also occur, such as irritability, apathy, anxiety or inappropriate behaviors.
Movement Disorders
Movement disorders associated with Huntington’s disease can include involuntary and voluntary motions such as:
Involuntary jerking or writing (chorea)
Involuntary sustained contracting of muscles (dystonia)
Muscle rigidity
Slow, uncoordinated fine movements
Slow or abnormal eye movements
Impaired walking, posture and balance
Difficulty with production of speech and swallowing
Cognitive Disorders
People who have Huntington’s will see a decline in their cognitive function, and may experience:
Loss of memory
Loss of judgment
Speech changes
Personality changes
Disorientation or confusion
Thomas Cellini Huntington's Foundation